Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!

The title of this post says it all for me this week!  My 10 year old daughter, Gretchen has her 7th dance recital this weekend.  This week we have had dance lessons already and one of two nights of rehearsal.  She dances at a Christian Dance Studio.  We love it. She started with her twin sister Gillian when they were 3 1/2.  However, Sissy stopped dancing a few years back.  Gretchen plans to dance all the way til she graduates high school.

Here are a few pics of the girls over the course of the years:


THESE ARE FROM 2010 RECITAL – (Gretchen)

Here are the pictures that I used to make an album for their teacher for the first 4 years for Gillian and first 5 for Gretchen:

five 1five 2five 3five 4five 6five 7five 8five 9five 10five 12five 13five 11five 16five 17five 14five 15five 18

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